Wills and Bequests
A gift in your Will can create a lasting legacy, helping us provide unique and valuable development opportunities for young people that change their lives and strengthen their communities.
If you would like to include a gift in your Will, thank you.
Our organisation operates under the name BBM Ltd (ABN 61 000 064 353).
Any gift must be made out to: BBM Ltd.

Gift Options
Here are some ways you can leave a gift:
Residuary Estate: Leave BBM Ltd your entire residuary estate or a percentage of it, linking your gift to the changing value of your estate.
Specific Gift: Give a specific amount of money or property, such as land, shares, or other assets.
Designed Legacy: Collaborate with us to direct your generous gift towards something you hold dear - like an award in your name or a contribution to a specific program. For a confidential conversation, please do not hesitate to call us.
Knowing your gift intentions helps us plan for the future. We’d also like to acknowledge your gift (with your consent), so please let us know if you intend to leave a gift, even anonymously.
For more information, please contact us at legacy@bbm.asn.au.